Teri Erickson, AnswerFirst's Business Development Coordinator, provides useful tips to consider when shopping for an answering service. AnswerFirst is an answering service and contact center solution provider based in Tampa, FL that provides service to more than 1400 clients worldwide. Contact Teri at 1-800-645-2616, sales@answerfirst.com or visit our website at http://www.answerfirst.com for more information.
AnswerFirst Communications offers answering service, virtual receptionist and call center solutions. Our blog provides our current and future clients with information about our services, operations and website.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
An AnswerFirst Minute - Episode 4 : How To Shop For An Answering Service
Teri Erickson, AnswerFirst's Business Development Coordinator, provides useful tips to consider when shopping for an answering service. AnswerFirst is an answering service and contact center solution provider based in Tampa, FL that provides service to more than 1400 clients worldwide. Contact Teri at 1-800-645-2616, sales@answerfirst.com or visit our website at http://www.answerfirst.com for more information.
AnswerFirst Answering Service Attends the Tampa Bay Business Journal Nonprofit of the Year Awards

AnswerFirst Answering Service Attends TBBJ Nonprofit of the Year Awards, a photo by AnswerFirst on Flickr.
AnswerFirst Communications, an international live telephone answering service and customer service solutions company specializing in answering & messaging services, virtual receptionist and call center solutions, announced this week that they will attend the Tampa Bay Business Journal (TBBJ) 2011 Nonprofit of the Year Awards Luncheon at the Embassy Suites in Tampa.
The TBBJ advertises this year’s event as the sixth annual Nonprofit of the Year Awards event and special publication dedicated to recognizing the nonprofit organizations who are making a difference in the Tampa Bay area every day. An independent panel of judges named 40 organizations finalists for the 2011 Nonprofit of the Year awards; each organization is a 501(c)(3), non-foundation community organization in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Polk, Hernando, Sarasota, Pasco or Manatee counties and has an established date prior to January 1, 2008.
According to its website, the Tampa Bay Business Journal is a printed publication that features local people and decision makers who are leaders in their business communities. They report on local and national issues that impact subscribers' businesses and assist them in growing their companies. Printed each Friday, the business journal includes topical listings and business leads for new business licenses, building permits, real estate transactions and court judgments.
Teri Erickson, Business Development Coordinator at AnswerFirst said, “The Tampa Bay Business Journal always does an excellent job of organizing events including trade shows, award ceremonies and networking showcases. We’re looking forward to interacting with representatives from local nonprofit organizations; they make a huge difference in our community.“
For more information about AnswerFirst's answering service and call center solutions please visit their website or call Teri at 1-800-645-2616.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
AnswerFirst is on FourSquare
Stop by and check-in on Foursquare to receive free set-up on a new answering service account. Up to a $100 value! foursquare.com/venue/23511966
Friday, June 17, 2011
How Reliable Is AnswerFirst's Infrastructure?

The other area of concern is employee reliability and attendance. To avoid attendance issues, our call center uses a mix of both in-house and remote virtual receptionists; we always have agents with access to our systems.
In short, our systems and center are very reliable, however we also understand the need to communicate should something happen. In the event of an emergency we are able to quickly notify clients via e-mail or fax through the use of our robust automated communications platform. In addition we encourage our clients to follow us on Twitter and Facebook as important updates also may be found there.
For more information about our services, please contact us at 1-800-645-2616 or visit us on the web at www.answerfirst.com
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Happy Birthday U.S. Army! - June 14, 2011
AnswerFirst Communications, an international telephone answering service and customer service solutions company specializing in answering & messaging services, virtual receptionist and call center solutions, announced this week that they attended the Association of the United States Army Suncoast Chapter’s Purple Heart and Cake Cutting Ceremony at the V.A. Hospital in Tampa, FL. The ceremony was a celebration of the United States Army’s 236th birthday which fell on June 14, 2011.
The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a private, non-profit educational organization that has been supporting America's Army - Active, National Guard, Reserve, Civilians, Retirees, Government Civilians, Wounded Warriors, Veterans, and family members since 1950. The AUSA represents every American Soldier by being the voice for all components of America’s Army, by fostering public support of the Army’s role in national security and by providing professional education and information programs. AUSA works to support all aspects of national security while advancing the interests of America's Army and the men and women who serve. AUSA also provides numerous professional development opportunities at a variety of events both local and national. The Suncoast Chapter includes MacDill Air Force Base, home of the US Central Command and the US Special Operations Command both of whom provide operational support for the Chapter. The Purple Heart and Cake Cutting ceremony was held in honor of the U.S. Army’s 236th birthday and attendees included AUSA corporate sponsors and representatives of the United States Army including veterans, officers and enlisted soldiers.
Teri Erickson, Business Development Coordinator at AnswerFirst said, “We’re happy to have the opportunity to support our local chapter of the Association of the United States Army. The organization provides recreational and educational opportunities to soldiers and their families and our corporate sponsorship provides us with the ability to show our support for our troops.“
For more information about AnswerFirst's answering service and call center solutions please visit their website or call Teri at 1-800-645-2616.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Answering Service Client Testimonial
Nyquist Capital Partners

Wednesday, June 8, 2011
HVAC, Air Conditioning and Ventilation Professionals Answering Services

- Your calls are always answered by a live operator.
- Your clients are greeted according to your specifications.
- Your messages are delivered via whatever method(s) you choose: via text message, email, cell phone, pda, fax, paging or voicemail.
- You only pay when we answer your clients calls. We don't bill for minutes that you don't use and you automatically recieve discounts when your call volume increases.
- We do not outsource. Our call center is located in the U.S. and staffed with live U.S. agents 24/7/365.
- We always have management onsite so that any account issues are handled in an expedited manner.
- Our agents are required to have a background in customer service and to complete our intensive in-house training programming.
- We handle your calls and messages according to your specifications.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
How do we configure your answering service account?

Contact us today for more information about our answering services and call center solutions: 1-800-645-2616 or www.answerfirst.com