Avoid Downtime By Planning Today
As mentioned, the key to working through disasters successfully is to plan your response for them before they occur. Arrange to seamlessly redirect your calls to AnswerFirst. Let our agents act as your emergency communications go-between. Create a disaster readiness strategy with us that works well for your business. You may choose to have only our center as your disaster center or we can arrange for a redundant solution where another of our centers would be a “backup” for our primary center.
Here are a few of the services we can provide to you:
- Employee Contact Center - Consider the business impact if your primary communications are inoperable and the affect it will have on your emergency operations. Vital personnel must first be made aware of an emergency before any emergency contingency plan can be put in effect. Communications are needed to report emergencies, to warn personnel of danger, to keep families and off-duty employees informed about what's happening at the facility and to direct response actions. How can you keep the lines of communications open in the event of disaster? How will you get in touch with your employees or they get in touch with you? Since disasters come in all shapes and sizes, it is important to plan for all possible contingencies whether the outage is short term or temporary in nature or a total communications failure. The best place to start is to analyze the everyday functions performed by your facility and the communications, both voice and data, used to support them.
- Tier One Customer/Vendor Contact Center - How will your customers react if no one answers your phones? How will you keep in contact with customers and suppliers? How will they know when your services will be available again? Don't make the mistake of letting them guess what has happened, our call center can act as the temporary go between to keep you customers and vendors informed. Silence is definitely not golden in a situation like this, if you do not keep your customers informed, they are likely to start looking elsewhere for your type services. Automatically transfer your customer calls to our answering service and we'll keep your customers informed and happy.
- Tier Two Customer/Vendor Contact Center - We can assist in keeping some of your primary business functions operational. We can re-direct shipments from vendors, process orders and serve your company in a variety of ways in your time of need. Talk to one of our sales associates for details about some of the custom solutions we can offer in this area.
There are many communication options available and the crucial factor is redundancy, do not rely on a single type of backup communication for all of your business functions. Should that single backup communication type fail in the disaster, you’ll have nothing to fall back on.
Contact us today for more information about how we can help you be prepared for a disaster.
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