Thursday, July 29, 2010

About AnswerFirst Communications

AnswerFirst Communications, Inc. has provided quality answering services since 1985. Our newest center was built from the ground up in 1999 specifically for AnswerFirst and this operations center provides a safe and comfortable environment for our CSR agents. Located along historic Kennedy Boulevard, the center is close to downtown Tampa. Tampa was chosen as the corporate site because of its growing demographics & centralized location in Florida. With its beautiful white beaches and wonderful climate, Tampa is a great place to work and live.

Since the invention of the telephone, answering services have been helping businesses meet the needs of their clients. While many predicted answering services would go the way of the horse and buggy with the popularity of cellular phones, text messaging and newer technologies, answering services have become more prevalent than ever. There are several underlying reasons call centers have continued to flourish in this environment. First and most obvious is the fact people like doing business with other people. If you were looking for a product or service, would you rather speak with a live person or leave a message in a voice mail? The vast majority of the people prefer speaking with a live person, in fact, 33% of people will not even leave a message when reaching a voice mail. It only follows businesses looking for a competitive edge would see this behavior as a means to increase their bottom line.

Our work environment plays a primary role in the health and happiness of our operators. Happy agents equal more productive agents, not only for us, but more importantly, for our clients. Ergonomically correct seating, injury prevention training, and state of the art workstations all add up to reduce the possibility of repetitive strain.

Weighing heavily in the design process of our new center was the desire to provide maximum security for both our agents and client data. Our commitment to protect the integrity and secrecy of our clients' data along with our desire to ensure the safety of our employees was paramount in selecting appropriate security measures. Twenty four hour camera monitoring, electronic key pad access and extensive password protection are just a few of the security measures we employ. Server redundancy, data archiving, the logging of all voice conversations, surge protection and emergency power generation are utilized as well for client's data protection.

Our facility is also home to our state of the art computer and telephony hardware. Designed to blend our technological capabilities with our human resources, our center offers both an efficient and productive atmosphere. We're excited about our work environment and look to provide our quality telephone answering services to the public for the next 100 years and beyond.

1-800-645-2616 - Answering Service, Virtual Receptionist, Call Center & Contact Center Solutions

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Client Web Access Gives You Online Access to Your Answering Service Account

Client Web Access (CWA) is an exciting way to integrate your business with our answering service. CWA allows you to use your web browser to log in securely to our web access area to view information regarding your account in real time. We offer a variety of functions through our web access interface including message review, report generation, voice log access, web form submissions as well as the ability for you to view your account screens. Client Web Access service is included FREE with every Live Operator account. We have a demonstration account set up for your review to demonstrate the convenience of this service. Click here to try out our free demo account.

  • View, e-mail, export, add notes or print your messages
  • View, e-mail, export add notes or print your web form submissions
  • Listen to recordings of calls to your account
  • Generate a variety of reports regarding your account activity
  • View your account screens just as our operators see them
  • Access news and bulletins for our clients
At the top right corner of each of our web pages, you will find the log-in area for access. Please notice the example to the right, then bring your attention to the top right area of this web page to see the login area. You simply click the link to go to the CWA log-in page, then enter the username and password we provide for your account to gain access to the many features and useful information client web access provides.

1-800-645-2616 - Answering Service, Virtual Receptionist, Call Center & Contact Center Solutions

Thursday, July 22, 2010

10 Fascinating Facebook Facts

Facebook’s astronomic rise, staggeringly large user-base, and world’s youngest self-made billionaire CEO make it one of the most fascinating companies around today.

While everyone knows the basics about the service’s Harvard dorm room origins, we’ve delved a little deeper to find out more interesting snippets of info.

Here are 10 facts you might not know about Facebook, click here to read the article.

1-800-645-2616 - Answering Service, Virtual Receptionist, Call Center & Contact Center Solutions

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

AnswerFirst Launches New Website to Feature Information About Their Answering Services

AnswerFirst Communications, an international telephone answering service and customer service solutions company specializing in answering & messaging services, virtual receptionist and contact center solutions, announced this week that they have launched a new website that features information about their telephone answering services.

Jim Smith, AnswerFirst's Director of Inside Sales said, "Previously, we were using one main website to feature information about all of ours services but it was a lot of information to pack into a single website because we offer a wide array of services including basic answering services, call center solutions, technical support, customer care, appointment scheduling, order entry and voice mail solutions and more. We decided that featuring each service on its own site would be a more effective way of marketing all of the services.  Clients can get more detailed information about the specific service that they are looking for and we can also optimize each site to rank well for search terms that are related to the service that is featured on that particular site.  This method of optimization will make it easier for our potential clients to find information about the services that they are shopping for.  The first site we’ve developed focuses on our core service, telephone answering service, and was developed under the domain name  We’ve retained our corporate site for providing a basic overview of our services and in-depth information about our business so clients can still access information about AnswerFirst at our main domain.”

James Cass, Director of IT at AnswerFirst, stated, "We’ve implemented a new hosting environment to support our new Internet marketing approach.  Our infrastructure and equipment are configured to handle the new websites and the traffic that they’ll produce.  This new multi-site approach to marketing will allow us to publish a lot more information about our suite of services to the web and will provide our clients with more information about what we do.  We’re looking forward to development and implementation of this new marketing strategy. "

AnswerFirst is based in Tampa, FL and provides answering services, appointment scheduling, reservation taking, technical support, customer care, order entry and contact center solutions to businesses in any industry throughout the world.  For more information about their services visit their website.

1-800-645-2616 - Answering Service, Virtual Receptionist, Call Center & Contact Center Solutions

Friday, July 16, 2010

5 Online Tools for Answering Your Small Business Questions

Running a small business is filled with unknowns and crash course lessons. You’re always going to have questions about hiring, acquiring customers, raising money, and building viable products.

Click here to read the rest of the article.

1-800-645-2616 - Answering Service, Virtual Receptionist, Call Center & Contact Center Solutions

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

5 Rules for Professional Social Networking Success

Professional networking has been made exponentially easier with social media. Years ago, networking meant asking a friend at another company to submit your resume to his HR department...

Click here to read the rest of the article.

1-800-645-2616 - Answering Service, Virtual Receptionist, Call Center & Contact Center Solutions