Monday, August 4, 2014

We Were Sharing Before Sharing Was Cool

I have been raving about our shared agent answering service and its benefits for years now.

Today, everywhere I look I see new blog posts, books and articles about the rise of ‘the sharing economy’ and how it’s affecting the future of the business landscape. There are many very interesting reads with great messages and accurate depictions of the nature of the world economy today. I think to myself, great stuff. Innovative. Really, I love it. People are finally catching on to what we have been doing here at AnswerFirst since 1985 – providing an excellent, cost-effective, shared resource to people worldwide.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Why Can’t You Just Offer Flat Rate Answering Service?

Nearly every day I am asked by potential clients why we do not offer any flat rate plans.

AnswerFirst has been in the answering service and contact center solutions industry for over 20 years. During this time we have determined that, while flat rate plans were great for AnswerFirst, they rarely benefited our clients. In fact, unless clients were able to forecast their usage perfectly, flat rate service never benefited them at all. The only perceived advantage was if they bought a call plan with more minutes or calls than they would ever use, then they always knew how much their bill was going to be each month.

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Monday, May 5, 2014

How AnswerFirst Answering Service Integrates With Check Appointments

Check Appoinment Scheduling Answering Service

Are you having trouble integrating appointment scheduling with your answering service without being forced to use their proprietary software?

No need to worry; there are many options available for your business. Prices and program ability vary depending on the number of people, locations and resources for which you wish to schedule.


Monday, March 17, 2014

Tips for Finding the Right Answering Service for Your Business

There are many things you should consider when shopping for an answering service including reliability, service features, pricing structure, etc.  So, how do you know what topics to address during your search and how to find a service that will fit your particular business model?
In previous blogs I’ve mentioned that price is typically the first topic I am asked about when I speak with a potential new partner.  However, there are several more important items that should be addressed before discussing price because the cost of service does not matter if you discover the service is not a good fit for your needs.